- WWH Admin Team
Taking Inventory Of Our Inclusivity
Infographic by @ohhappydani, “Areas To Diversify In Daily Life…” We know what we look like here at @womenwhohike. We are a women’s hiking group that is struggling with diversity. We are, and we have. As an org, it falls on us to get this right. But we haven’t gotten it right. It’s not that we’re not working on it. It’s not that we’re not trying. It’s that this work is ongoing. "Perfection is not a prerequisite for participation. You can actively work on diversity and use your voice against injustice at the same time…” - @ohhappydani.
We have not been using our voice. We have not been forthcoming in telling you that we have been actively working on diversity. Why haven’t we told you? It is because we have been trying to get it right, trying to get it perfect. And in trying to get it right, trying to get it perfect, we have failed to use our voice in times of injustice. “Allyship is a journey, so don’t feel pressured to get it all right immediately!” - @ohhappydani
Today we are being forthcoming. We want you to know who we are, and what we stand for. We stand for safe outdoor spaces, and recreation for all. We stand for the life of Ahmaud Arbery, and for the lives of all black and brown men and women. Having done a few years of DEI training (diversity, equity, inclusion) we know this infographic is a great place to start in learning about and promoting diversity. Consider the following as provided by @ohhappydani:
Friendships- Varying perspectives will challenge you to look at life differently and draw you out of your comfort zone.
Leaders- Who do you follow? Give more visibility to POC. You’ll be able to learn from life experiences that don’t mirror yours.
Places Of Worship- Call in your leaders and discuss ways to increase diversity in your congregations and leadership!
Standards Of Beauty- How do you define beauty in general? Do minorities often fit that standard? Explore your mindset in this area and make sure that your preferences aren’t rooted in prejudice.
Toys- Do you provide multi-ethnic toys and action figures? Inclusivity can be shaped early on, and I encourage you to explore this with your family.
Business- Supporting minority-owned businesses can help to create jobs, uplift communities, and strengthen local economies weakened by systemic oppression.
I want to thank @ohhappydani for this guide on how to diversify in daily life. I @im_nicolemarie can tell you that I have done most all of these things, and in doing that my life has been enriched with perspective. It has been the greatest privilege of my life, to learn from others experiences that don’t mirror mine, and I am able to do that because of my own privilege.
If you're interested in learning more check out resources from the Avarna Group. The Avarna Group supports the outdoor and environmental sector in their evolution toward justice, equity, diversity, inclusion (collectively, JEDI). “Specifically, we provide this sector and its leaders with learning experiences, assessments, implementation planning, mentorship and coaching, intentional convenings, and resources.” To learn more visit https://theavarnagroup.com/about/.