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The First Ever #WWHChallenge

Today we kick off our first ever #wwhchallenge! Last month we asked you to think about a goal you could set for yourself at the first part of 2018. When we started to think about this challenge and how we could include EVERYONE within the Women Who Hike community, it was hard to pick a specific goal that would ensure participation and success for everyone. So, we decided to let you pick your own goal.

We’ve already heard so many awesome and unique ideas and we’re excited to follow all of your journeys for the next 30 days during the #wwhchallenge. So… how does it work?

You, followers and members of @womenwhohike can participate and will be entered to win a Deuter bag of your choice by setting your own personal goal and then using the #wwhchallenge hashtag to announce your goal and by continuing to use the #wwhchallenge hashtag throughout the the next 30 days.

We will have three specific categories and @deuter will be giving away three bags for:

-a short term hiking goal

-a long term hiking goal


-a non hiking goal

Examples: If your goal is to do your first solo hike or peak, it would fall into the short term hiking category. If your goal is to do a thru hike, it would fall into the long term hiking goal. If your goal is to get organized, improve your diet or anything 'off the trail' it would fall unto the non-hiking goal category.

So, no matter what kind of woman or woman hiker you are YOU CAN JOIN US. This is also an incredible opportunity for us and all of you to get to know each other better. We will start following all of you who start using the #wwhchallenge hashtag so that we can take part in and encourage you in your journey. If you are a member through our website, you can also submit your goal and your progress to us via email. Become a Women Who Hike member HERE. Make sure to include pictures and also tag us in your photos on IG so we can feature you and share your goal and journey with others.

We are here to empower you, encourage you and unite you; All of you, #womenhwhohike. Thanks to everyone for taking part in our first ever Women Who Hike Challenge and to @deuter for helping us to reward you with a very cool prize. We can’t wait to see what you, the Women Who Hike community, come up with!”


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